星期三, 6月 26, 2019

[VMware教學]Increasing the default value that defines the maximum number of NFS mounts on an ESXi/ESX host (2239)

Increasing the default value that defines the maximum number of NFS mounts on an ESXi/ESX host (2239)

By default, for NFS version 3, the advanced parameter NFS.MaxVolumes value is 8. 

For NFS Version 4, the advanced parameter NFS41.MaxVolumes is also set to 8. 

This means that 8 is the maximum number of NFS volumes which can be mounted to an ESXi host by default. 

This can be changed, as VMware supports a maximum of 256 NFS volumes mounted to an ESXi host. 

However, storage array vendors make their own recommendation around this value. 

The recommendations to change the setting varies from storage vendor to storage vendor. 

It is best to check the appropriate documentation from the vendor. 

This is a per ESXi host setting and must be done on all hosts.  

星期一, 6月 03, 2019

【部落格教學】Blogger新手上路(一)如何修改Google Blogger的時間為台灣時間?

如何修改Google Blogger的時間為台灣時間
登入到你的Google Blogger後台,依照下圖作業,將時區更正為正確時區並儲存設定即可.
修改Google Blogger的時間為台灣時間

> 消失的Google廣告如何還原?



星期六, 6月 01, 2019

Hi 大家好,我是阿湯

Hi 大家好,我是阿湯,
